When we engaged in high impact play as children, the moment of impact triggered a cellular response that made bone and muscle denser. OsteoStrong’s circuit triggers the same cellular response, but without high impact. OsteoStrong allows members to control how much force they exert to achieve growth triggers at their own pace.
OsteoStrong, you are in control of loading—putting force through your skeletal system, and due to the static positioning, the ingenious robotic equipment, and the intelligence of our central nervous system, you can comfortably reach many multiples of your body weight to trigger osteogenesis, the formation of new bone,
at virtually any age.*
Our circuit includes four machines that strengthen the entire musculoskeletal system, and targets the wrist, spine and hips. Our devices allow axial compression of bone to emulate the effect of impact, which is called Osteogenic Loading. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete the circuit because impact emulation does not require repetitive movement.